Historic walk tour in English
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!
Utolsó előadás dátuma: 2023. április 2. vasárnap, 17:45
Pesti Vigadó is looking forward to your visit!
Explore the breathtaking inner spaces and the history of this beautiful building, which is classified as one of Budapest’s historic monuments. The unparalleled panoramic view from the building is likewise a must-to-see for tourists.
Please, consider the following important information.
The tickets are valid for the guided tours and include admission to any exhibition in Vigadó. The approximate duration of the guided tour is 50-60 minutes. The guided tours will also take you to non visitor-accessible areas and areas that are only partly open to the public.
Please, observe our House Regulations. By taking part in our guided tours, you accept the terms and conditions of our service.
For information concerning this service, please contact our staff at tourism@vigado.hu or call (+36) 1 328-3325.
Ticket office: +36 (1) 328-3340
The above prices include 27% VAT and the guide fee.
The Guided Tour will be followed by a concert of the Budapest Symphony Orchestra at 7.30 p.m. in the Ceremonial Hall of the Pesti Vigadó. If you buy tickets for both programmes, you will receive a 10% discount of the total amount of your purchase.
You can buy your tickets for the concert here.
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